OTN-supported research
Researchers around the globe are using the Ocean Tracking Network’s (OTN) infrastructure and analytical tools to document the movements and survival of aquatic animals in the context of changing ocean and freshwater environments.
From monitoring the movements and behaviours of sharks to better inform and protect beachgoers, to supporting community-driven efforts to track valued and commercial species, OTN is fostering international collaboration with regional relevance.
Knowledge generated through OTN collaborations is used provincially, federally and internationally to help guide the management of valued aquatic species and the sustainable use of ocean and freshwater resources.
Canadian research
OTN and its collaborators are addressing key scientific questions of national concern and relevance to help guide management and conservation decisions across Canada.
OTN’s Canadian research continues to build upon earlier work established through support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
International projects
OTN’s global research, conservation and infrastructure platform tightly integrates biological, oceanographic and social sciences; promotes technological innovation; and fosters exceptional cross-sectoral collaborations across the globe.
The Coastal Environmental Observation Technology and Research (CEOTR) group operates Canada’s largest fleet of gliders—seven Teledyne Webb Slocum gliders and four Liquid Robotics Wave Gliders.
These marine autonomous vehicles can travel thousands of kilometres for months at a time, collecting data on marine animals and ocean ecosystems.
Research profiles
Network collaborators have the opportunity to work with the OTN communications team to develop a profile or story showcasing their research. Science communication can enhance the visibility and impact of aquatic telemetry and boost project recognition.