ideasOTN: integrate, describe, explain, and synthesize OTN
ideasOTN is a group of HQP and early career researchers (ECRs) working within the Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) to synthesize tracking research in new and exciting ways. Through the ideasOTN platform, ECRs create, establish, and execute novel and exciting research and training opportunities. They gain support from peers and foster relationships and collaborations across the globe, both within and beyond OTN.
How it works
ideasOTN is led by two ECR co-chairs who meet with a committee of ECRs and members of OTN to plan and develop projects. Past projects have involved collaborations among the executive, OTN affiliated ECRs, and OTN senior researchers.
Get involved
ideasOTN is open to any ECR interested in participating. The group connects ECRs under the larger umbrella of OTN to find solutions to telemetry problems. If you have a telemetry problem, a project idea, or are simply looking to connect with a broad group of telemetry-focused ECRs, email
ideasOTN workshop series—February 2020
Students, postdocs, and early-career professionals learned about the latest in technology, statistics and data visualization, and network collaboration at the ideasOTN Telemetry Workshop—part of OTN’s continued commitment to train the next generation of scientists. The workshop provided opportunities to improve the synthesis of collaborative research outputs and generate new ideas to push the field of telemetry studies forward. The workshop was organized by a committee of OTN students and ECRs, and was sponsored by OTN, Innovasea, Lotek, and Star-Oddi.
All content from the workshop is available on the OTN YouTube channel. Code and data sets for analyses have been made permanently public on GitHub.
List of publications
A selection of past projects which have led to peer-reviewed publications:
Lennox, R.J, Aarestrup, K., Alos, J., Arlinghaus,R., Aspillaga, E., Bertram, M. G., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Brodin, T., Cooke, S.J., Dahlmo, L.S., Dhellemmes, F., Gjelland, K. Ø., Hellström, G., Hersey, H., Holbrook, C., Klefoth, T., Susan Lowerre-Barbieri, S., Monk, C. T., Nilsen, C.I., Pauwels, I., Pickholtz, R., Prchalo, M. (2023). Positioning aquatic animals with acoustic transmitters. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4 (10), 2511-2696.
Lennox, R.J, Whoriskey, F., Verhelst, P, Vandergoot, C.S., Soria, M., Reubens, J., Rechisky, E. L., Power, M., Murray, T., Mulder, I., Markham, J.L., Lowerre-Barbieri, S.K., Lindley, S.T., Knott, N.A., Kessel, S.T., Iverson, S., Huveneers, C., Heidemeyer, M., Harcourt,R., Griffin, L.P., Friess, C., Filous, A., Fetterplace, L.C., Danylchuk, A.J., Daly, R., Cowley, P., Cooke, S.J., Chávez, E.J., Blaison, A., Whoriskey, K. (2023). Globally coordinated acoustic aquatic animal tracking reveals unexpected, ecologically important movements across oceans, lakes and rivers. Ecography.
Monk, C. T., Arlinghaus, R., Adam, T., Alós, J., Assaf, M., Baktoft, Beardsworth, C. E., Bertram, M. G., Bijleveld, A. I., Brodin, T., Brooks, J. L., Campos-Candela, A., Cooke, S. J., Gjelland, K. Ø., Gupte, P. R., Harel, R., Hellström, G., Jeltsch, F., Killen, S. S., Klefoth, T., Langrock, R., Lennox, R. J., Lourie, E., Madden, J. R., Orchan, Y., Pauwels, I. S., Říha, M., Roeleke, M., Schlägel, U. E., Shohami, D., Signer, J., Toledo, S., Vilk, O., Westrelin, S., Whiteside, M. A., and Jarić, I. (2022) Big-data approaches lead to an increased understanding of the ecology of animal movement. Science 375: 6582.
Sequeira, A. M. M., O’Toole, M., Keates, T.R., McDonnell, L.H., Braun, C.D., Hoenne, X., Jaine, F.R.A, Jonsen, I.D., et al. (2021). A standardisation framework for bio-logging data to advance ecological research and conservation. Methods Ecol. Evol. 12, 996-1007. 2.
Lennox, R.J. Westrelin, S., Souza, A.T., Šmejkal, M., Říha, M., Prchalová, M., Nathan, R., Koeck, B., Killen, S., Jarić, I., Gjelland, K., Hollins, J., Hellstrom, G., Hansen, H., Cooke, S.J., Boukal, D., Brooks, J.L., Brodin, T., Baktoft, H., Adam, T., and Arlinghaus, R. (2021). A role for lakes in revealing the nature of animal movement using high-dimensional telemetry systems. Movement Ecology, 9(40), 1-28.
Lowerre-Barbieri, S. K. Friess, C., Griffin, L.P., Morley, D., Skomal, G.B., Bickford, J.W., Hammerschlag, N., Rider, M.J., Smukall, M.J., Zinnicq Bergmann, M. P. M., Guttridge, T.L., Kroetz, A.M., Grubbs, R.D., Gervasi, C.L., Rehage, J.S., Poulakis, G.R., Bassos‐Hull, K., Gardiner, J.M., Casselberry, G.A., Young, J., Perkinson, M., Abercrombie, D.L., Addis, D.T., Block, B.A., Acosta, A., Adams, A.J., Danylchuk, A.J., Cooke, S.J., Whoriskey, F.G., Brownscombe, J.W. (2021). Movescapes and eco‐ evolutionary movement strategies in marine fish: Assessing a connectivity hotspot. Fish and Fisheries.
McMahon, C. R. Roquet, F., Baudel, S., Belbeoch, M., Bestley, S., Blight, C., Boehme, L., Carse, F., Costa, D. P., Fedak, M. A., Guinet, C., Harcourt, R., Heslop, E., Hindell, M. A., Hoenner, X., Holland, K., Holland, M., Jaine, F. R. A., Jeanniard-du-Dot, T., Jonsen, I., Keates, T. R., Kovacs, K. M., Labrousse, S., Lovell, P., Lydersen, C., March, D., Mazloff, M., McKinzie, M. K., Muelbert, M. M. C., O’Brien, K., Phillips, L., Portela, E., Pye, J., Rintoul, S., Sato, K., Sequeira, A. M. M., Simmons, S. E., Tsontos, V. M., Turpin, V., van Wijk, E., Vo, D., Wege, M., Whoriskey, F. G., Wilson, K., and Woodward, B. (2021). Animal Borne Ocean Sensors – AniBOS – An Essential Component of the Global Ocean Observing System. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 1-21.
Matley, J. K. Klinard, N. V., Barbosa Martins, A. P., Aarestrup, K., Aspillaga, E., Cooke, S. J., Cowley, P. D., Heupel, M. R., Lowe, C. G., Lowerre-Barbieri, S. K., Mitamura, H., Moore, J-S., Simpfendorfer, C. A., Stokesbury, M. J. W., Taylor, M. D., Thorstad, E. B., Vandergoot, C. S., and Fisk, A. T. (2021). Global trends in aquatic animal tracking with acoustic telemetry. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 37(1), 79-94.
Bangley, C.W., Whoriskey, F., Young, J.M., Ogburn, M.B. (2020) Networked Animal Telemetry in the Northwest Atlantic and Caribbean Waters. Mar. Coast. Fish. 12, 339-347. 2.
Bett, N.N., Hinch, S.G., Bass, A.L., Braun, D.C., Burnett, N.J., Casselman, M.T., Cooke, S.J., Drenner, S.M., Gelchu, A., Harrower, W.L., Ledoux, R., Lotto, A.G., Middleton, C.T., et al. (2020) Using an integrative research approach to improve fish migrations in regulated rivers: a case study on Pacific Salmon in the Seton River, Canada. Hydrobiologia. 3.
Brownscombe, J.W., Griffin, L.P., Morley, D., Acosta, A., Hunt, J., Lowerre-Barbieri, S.K., Crossin, G.T., Iverson, S.J., Boucek, R., Adams, A.J., Cooke, S.J., Danylchuk, A.J. (2020) Seasonal occupancy and connectivity amongst nearshore flats and reef habitats by permit Trachinotus falcatus: considerations for fisheries management. J. Fish Biol, 96(2), 469-479. 4.
Lennox, R.J., Harcourt, R., Bennett, J.R., Davies, A., Ford, A.T., Frey, R.M., Hayward, M.W., Hussey, N.E., Iverson, S.J., Kays, R., Kessel, S.T., McMahon, C., Muelbert, M., Murray, T.S., Nguyen, V.M., Pye, J.D., Roche, D.G., Whoriskey, F.G., Young, N., Cooke, S.J. (2020). A novel framework to protect animal data in a world of eco surveillance. BioScience 70, 468-476. 5.
Nowak, B.V.R, Bowen, W.D., Lidgard, D.C., Iverson, S.J. (2020) Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) as bioprobes: Fine-scale measurements of oceanographic properties using an instrumented large marine predator. Progress in Oceanography, 189, 1-10.
Brownscombe JW, EJI Lédée, GD Raby, DP Struthers, LFG Gutowsky, VM Nguyen, N Young, MJW Stokesbury, CM Holbrook, TO Brenden, CS Vandergoot, KJ Murchie, K Whoriskey, J Mills Flemming, ST Kessel, CC Kruger, and SJ Cooke. 2019. Conducting and interpreting fish telemetry studies: considerations for researchers and resource managers. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 29:369-400
Iverson, S.J., Fisk, A.T., Hinch, S.G., Mills Flemming J., Cooke, S.J., & Whoriskey, F.G. (2019). The Ocean Tracking Network: Advancing frontiers in aquatic science and management. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 76, 1041-1051.
Whoriskey K, E Martins, M Auger-Méthé, L Gutowsky, R Lennox, S Cooke, M Power, and J Mills Flemming. 2019. Current and emerging statistical techniques for aquatic telemetry data: A guide to analysing spatially discrete animal detections. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10:935-948
Nguyen VM, N Young, and SJ Cooke. 2018. Applying a knowledge–action framework for navigating barriers to incorporating telemetry science into fisheries management and conservation: a qualitative study. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75(10):1733–1743
Auger-Méthé, M, CM Albertsen, ID Jonsen, AE Derocher, DC Lidgard, KR Studholme, WB Bowen, GT Crossin, J Mills Flemming. 2017. Spatiotemporal modelling of marine movement data using Template Model Builder (TMB). Marine Ecology Progress Series 565:237-249
Cooke, SJ, VM Nguyen, ST Kessel, NE Hussey, N Young, and AT Ford. 2017. Troubling issues at the frontier of animal tracking for conservation and management. Conservation Biology 00 (0):1-3.
Crossin, GT, MR Heupel, CM Holbrook, NE Hussey, SK Lowerre-Barbieri, VM Nguyen, GD Raby, and SJ Cooke. 2017. Acoustic telemetry and fisheries management. Ecological Applications 27(4):1031-1049
Lennox RJ, Aarestrup K, Cooke SJ, Cowley PD, Deng ZD, Fisk AT, Harcourt RG, Heupel M, Hinch SG, Holland KN, Hussey NE, Iverson SJ, Kessel ST, Kocik JF, Lucas MC, Mills Flemming J, Nguyen VM, Stokesbury MJW, Vagle S, VanderZwaag DL, Whoriskey FG, Young N. I2017. Envisioning the future of aquatic animal tracking: Technology, science, and application. BioScience 67:884-896.
Lennox RJ, C Engler-Palma, K Kowarski, A Filous, SJ Cooke, and M Auger-Méthé. 2017. Optimizing marine spatial plans with animal tracking data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(3): 497-509.
Nguyen, VM, JL Brooks, N Young, RJ Lennox, N Haddaway, FG Whoriskey, R Harcourt, and SJ Cooke. 2017. To share or not to share in the emerging era of big data: perspectives from fish telemetry researchers on data sharing. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74(8):1260-1274.
Cooke, SJ, JW Brownscombe, GD Raby, F Broell, SG Hinch, TD Clark, and JM Semmens. 2016. Remote bioenergetics measurements in wild fish: Opportunities and challenges. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 202:23-37
Hussey, NE, RG Harcourt, M Auger-Méthé. 2016. Now is the time to protect the Arctic. Science 354:1243
Lennox RJ, Chapman JM, Souliere CM, Tudorache C, Wikelski M, Metcalfe JD, Cooke SJ. 2016. Conservation physiology of animal migration. Conservation Physiology 4:cov072.
Kessel, ST, and NE Hussel. 2015. Tonic immobility as an anesthetic for elasmobranchs during surgical implantation procedures. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72:1287-1291.
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