Kerguelen saga 2.0: episode 4 – trekking, fieldwork and cave abodes
Since 2016, the Ocean Tracking Network and the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique...
Kerguelen saga 2.0: episode 3 – Crozet & Antarctic fauna
Since 2016, the Ocean Tracking Network and the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique...
Kerguelen saga 2.0: episode 2 – life on the Marion Dufresne
Since 2016, the Ocean Tracking Network and the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique...
Kerguelen saga 2.0: episode 1 – sailing into the unknown
Since 2016, the Ocean Tracking Network and the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique...
OTN collaborator tracking critical reef fish in the Gulf of Mexico
Dr. Sue Lowerre-Barbieri, an OTN international project lead, and fisheries ecologist splits her...
Tag! You’re It! conservation in a can (CTV – video)
OTN's Fred Whoriskey and Big Spruce Brewing's Jeremy White talk to Heidi Petracek (CTV) about...
Tag! You’re It! … brewing up new ways to save the seas
This summer, OTN and Nova Scotia craft brewer, Big Spruce Brewing, collaborate on a special...
OTN bull shark collaboration launches in Mozambique
Underwater Africa is a unique marine volunteer expedition program based in Tofo,...
Update on shark research in Cabo Verde, Western Africa
Manuel Dureuil has been tagging and tracking the movements of elasmobranch (sharks, skates, and...