2025 ECR Workshop

The 2025 Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) early career researcher (ECR) workshop is taking place from April 29-30 in Halifax, N.S., Canada.

This workshop is open to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and researchers/professionals within five years of starting their first position.

Schedule: (a detailed schedule will be provided once the program is finalized)

  • Day 1 (April 29): The workshop will begin with a full day of sessions geared toward students, professionals and ECRs who are conducting aquatic telemetry research. Sessions will cover a broad range of topics, such as analyzing and visualizing data, best practices in the field, creating collaborative research projects, and communicating with audiences beyond academia.
  • Day 2 (April 30): The day will feature a manufacturer’s forum to learn about the future of aquatic tracking equipment, and a network consultation with representatives from across OTN’s global network to help shape the future directions of OTN.

** We have reached capacity for this workshop. If you register after 5 pm Atlantic time on February 11, you will be automatically placed on our waitlist.

Registration deadline: February 18, 2025

Note: Space is very limited and spots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. You will receive an email from OTN to confirm your participation. There is no cost for registration.

The Fred Whoriskey Early Career Researcher Award

From 2008-2024, Fred Whoriskey served as OTN’s executive director, helping to lead the organization through its early years and grow it into the world-class national research facility it is today. His remarkable contributions to OTN are commemorated through this award, which will be presented to one early career researcher (ECR) to fund their participation in OTN’s biennial ECR workshop.

To be eligible for this award, the following criteria must be met:

  • Early career researcher: You must be a current graduate student or within five years of starting your first research position.
  • Full workshop attendance: You must plan to attend the entire duration of the ECR workshop.

Once eligibility is confirmed, candidates will be evaluated based on the written description provided in the award application. The candidate who demonstrates the strongest connection, significance, and potential impact of attending the event on their career and research will be selected for the award.

Application deadline: February 18, 2025

Note: The Fred Whoriskey Early Career Researcher Award does NOT include registration for the ECR workshop. Please make sure you complete the separate registration form before applying for the award.